Campania white wines

As for red wines, the Campania region also boasts an excellent reputation for the production of white wines. Campania white wines are considered among the most prestigious and well-known wine products both on national and on international level. Most of these white wines are in fact protected and regulated by specific procedural guidelines that name them with the various DOCG (Controlled and Guaranteed Designation of Origin), DOC (Protected Designation of Origin) and IGT/IGP (Protected Geographical Indication/Typical Geographical Indication) designations. Asprinio, Falanghina, Fiano, Greco, Coda di Volpe, Pallagrello, Biancolella and Forastera are among the most used and produced local white grape varieties. In particular, the Greco and Fiano vines, from which Greco di Tufo DOCG and Fiano di Avellino DOCG are produced, historically constitute the main pillars of the local production, but over time many other Campania white wines have reached high levels of excellence, thanks to the specific combination of the environmental and climatic conditions of the Campania region, on the one hand, and the modes of cultivation, production and conservation used by local winemakers, on the other.

Campania white wines: designations

Greco di Tufo DOCG and Fiano di Avellino DOCG are the first Campania white wines to obtain the corresponding DOCG designation at the beginning of 2000s, previously recognized as DOC wines since 1970. Ischia DOC Bianco is another equally renowed white wine, it is composed of the Forastera and Biancolella vines, belonging to the category of Campania wines that first received the prestigious regional DOC designation in 1966. Capri bianco DOC and white wines from the Campi Flegrei area and the Vesuvian area are other refined Campania white wines, but also the white wines produced in the districts of Benevento and Caserta, such as Falanghina del Sannio DOC and Falerno del Massico DOC, are considered extremely fine products.

The most popoular Campania white wines

Among the most renowned and approved Campania white wines we must mention: Greco di Tufo DOCG, Fiano di Avellino DOCG, Irpinia DOC, Falanghina del Sannio DOC from the hills of Benevento and Falerno del Massico DOC from the district of Caserta; the characteristic DOC white wines of the volcanic areas, such as Ischia DOC, Campi Flegrei DOC or Vesuvio DOC, where the famous Lacryma Christi DOC is produced; white wines with the Penisola Sorrentina DOC designation and many others.

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